Tuesday, September 4, 2007

We finally did the Trailer test ride

we have had some timing issues as far as getting this test ride going but knew we had to do it. well, kinda spur of the moment, we did it yesterday.
boy was it stressful. it took us about an hour to get them loaded. everything looked good as we pulled out of the driveway, but only a few miles more down the road and my bike started to wobble. the tie down gloves for the grips made the handlebars fall with all the torqe on them and loosen the ropes. once we saw what needed done and we did it, it was ok. we rode on the highway some and around town some so we got the feel of both, although kari didn't really get on the highway but she'll have plenty of opportunity. :)

i've been planning routes all weekend long and will put our tentative schedule in the next post.

bye for now or bfn

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