Thursday, September 27, 2007

Riding the week away

Our first riding day started as a beautiful, clear, crisp morning, about 50 degrees. Down to continental breakfast at 6:30am. Then a riders meeting to review the route, hand signals, etc. They did it a cool way: three groups plus independent riders—our choice—a fast group, a medium group (speed limits and moderate through the curves) and a slow group that meanders. Kickstands Up (KSA) at 8:30am and off we went!

T and I chose the middle, just see how that was, then we’d know whether to stay put, or move up or down. Our leader, Jack, was great—steady, responsive to the group, and letting us sink our teeth into the many great twisties and sweepers. We’re sticking with him!

The terrain went from 2000’ to over 5000’ elevation. This is horse country; grassy hills, some trees short and scrubby, some taller and shady in the valleys. Lots of short sweeps and ally oops.

Our first rest stop was at the local fish hatchery, where we got to see salmon and trout jumping upstream! I never saw that before. They were huge (3 ft long) and sometimes jumped completely out of the water!

The rest of the day we followed Hwy. 70 mostly, along the deep, winding Feather River canyon. Here we got into steep alpine scenery with amazingly tall, straight Ponderosa pines. I had to keep reminding myself I wasn’t in Colorado, because that’s the kind of river it is. It’s big, broad and boulder strewn. Following it gave us tight twisties and giant sweepers, nonstop! It was hard not to look at it because it was so beautiful, but of course you couldn’t look much. You had to just give a quick head turn straight there and immediately back, and a longer glimpse on the straightaways. The best thing was to just be satisfied with knowing it was there and feeling it, which was easy, since it was so big and powerfully present. We were absolutely WOWed by the scenery and sport of the roads.

We stopped to lunch at Quincy. Our roommate, Debbie, (enjoying ice cream above) used to live, and still rides regularly, in over this area, so she took us to her favorite, the Morning Thunder Café, for lunch. Delicious and funky. Sprout garnishes. We began to realize that in California they pretty much garnish everything with almost a whole avocado! Great to have a healthy meal after so many interstate meals.

Every lunch stop, plus evenings after dinner, we have a Medallion Pass ceremony. This is where a new group of riders carries the four parts of the medallion--the Survivor Horseshoe shaped medallion, the Ring of Memory, the Horseshoe for the Future and the Heart Medallion. The heart medallion rider also carries a pony express style leather bag with the ashes of the two people honored in this years ride. Also in it, they carry a tiny Tshirt, symbolizing the hope that the young people that fit into that Tshirt will never have to be touched by breast cancer. Each new carrier of the Medallion gets to express in the ceremony to everyone why they are riding and/or whom they are honoring or remembering.

Arriving at Lake Francis

We drove into the driveway and immediately saw the Pony Express Ride trailer and registration. The rider staff greeted us before we even got out of the truck with, “Hey are you Kari and Tracy from Georgia?!” We felt immediately welcome. Gee, how’d they know? I guess the trailer gave us away, because even though others came from long distances (turns out we were the farthest by a hair), we were one of only two parties arriving by trailer. And that’s how it was all week. Even long time Pony Express buddies really paid attention to everyone and their good time, and really reached out to make sure everyone felt important and included.

Lake Francis RV resort is very cute with a replica western town square housing the office, dining hall, restaurant, saloon, pool hall, etc. Somehow it’s not too kitsch. It’s in a sweet little valley, very scenic with the lake and shade trees. Our cabins are fairly new with kitchenette, futon sofa and 2 bedrooms. They have a whole RV and tent camping area that we barely saw until we did laundry.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

on the way to Santa Fe....

we're just stopped shortly in Albuquerque for showers at the "j" truck stop. now we head for Santa Fe and some touristy stuff.

we have had practically no time for posting.... just driving and sleeping, but we did take some little side trips and had to get new tires for the trailer and i got sick. we'll fill in the details when we get more time. gotta run.

t & k

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

we just finished our first day

i'm gonna let kari tell you about the ride. i'm gonna try and catch everyone up with the rest of the way here.

we started from Rawlins, WY about 9...our usual time and headed for Utah. it was pretty boring, very flat and barren... worse than western Kansas. we did see some cool windmill farms in the western part of the state and that's where we almost got blown off the road. the crosswinds are so strong they got the trailer going sideways behind us and poor kari was driving and had trouble getting it back under control. i thought we were gonna roll for sure and just prayed. well she got it stopped but the adrenaline after rush was quite large!!! it seems we were destined for 1 mishap a day and i said "that's it, and it's early so were done and now we can relax."

Utah in the north from wyoming to salt lake is spectacular!!! we have so many pictures from there. here are a few.

we waded into the Great Salt Lake and got our feet and legs very salty. here's a few from there.

on the way out of Utah we hit the Bonneville Salt Flats.... no racing for us. we could barely do 10 miles below the speed limit.

nevada was pretty and plain and there's gambling EVERYWHERE!!!!!

the road to CA was windy and nerve wracking for me but i wasn't driving....can't stand to be out of control. :)

we're here, and we're safe and we're having a blast. catch you later.

t &k

Sunday, September 16, 2007

even more.....

this is our view out the back window

some sunsets and Boulder shots

here are some more pics... so many to share. :)

day 3 is all about colorado

we got a pretty early start for us today... 9 am. i couldn't get online at the campground so we set out for the next Flying J for breakfast and uploading. here's some pics from the high plains of CO. pretty flat, huh? much flatter than KS.

we also decided not to go through the mountains on US highway 40 with the trailer. so we headed for Denver and then the plan is to go north to Cheyenne, WY and catch Rte. 80 west. that'll lead us back to our planned route in Salt Lake City.

when we got to the "J", we unloaded the bikes and took them on a little side trip to Boulder, CO.
that was really fun. we got some great shots of the mtns, the boulder creek running through town and there was a farmeres market that we just hit the tail end of. so much of the tail end that most of them were packing up. but here are some pics of that, too.

we had lunch at the teahouse which was a gift from a sister town in tajikastan (i think that's right) the arcitecture and sculpture were beautiful. and the food was excellent!

we got back on time but then my tie downs jammed and then broke and i had to get some more, which put us about an hour off so we only made it as far as Rawlins, WY for the night. we have about 100 miles to add to day 4. we can do it.

t & k

day 2 posted 2 days later

It’s the start of day 3 and we’ve just showered and feel fabulous! Yesterday was quite uneventful. Hooray! MO and KS are really pretty, lots of rolling hills and believe me even when it looks flat, when you’re towing a trailer it’s anything but. The most gradual of inclines, barely perceptible with the naked car, became long steep hills with ever declining power to go along with them.

We stayed at an RV park in Stratton, CO. it’s just 15 spaces along the road just off the highway. The bathrooms were locked at night after we got there so we had to improvise. We did get to take showers in the morning and when I went to pay, she didn’t charge us because we didn’t hook into anything. That was nice.

Friday, September 14, 2007

more pics from day 1

here are some other pics to look at.

let us tell you 'bout our first day on the road

we got off at noon after packing and installing new mud flaps and caulking the truck cap in case of rain. which is pretty good considering our track record of leaving at a certain time. after 2 1/2 hours we stopped for lunch and to switch drivers. kari remembers thinking at the lunch stop "damn, those are some nice looking bikes!" (see photo)

minutes later we pulled across the street into the gas station. in the driveway both bikes suddenly fell over on their sides!!! the center tie down ring had failed and the straps let loose.

luckily we were standing still and out of traffic. but it was a sad sight. we didn't even take a picture. it was too ugly. all we could picture were totally crushed gas tanks and engine cases as they lay on their sides, draped over the smashed out trailer lights. after several minutes of standing, not being able to move them an iota ourselves, kari demanded that Spirit send us some help! instantly several big strong angels came from all sides to help. it turns out the bikes had only minor scratches and only the trailer light lenses needed replaced.

we went to o'reilly's auto parts for new trailer light lenses, and the guy there found us someone to repair the trailer. (see photo) we only had to travel a couple of miles and spend 3 1/2 hrs and $60 to get back on the road, better than new! they put 2 huge eye bolts in through the frame underneath. it turns out our trailer had been modified by the last owner, who, we realize now, never tested his modification.

we drove til 230am to get to our scheduled stop at the flying j. in warrenton, MO. amid the track trailer generators and bright parking lights, we passed out in our sleeping bags in the bed of the truck.

our curtains worked perfectly. our mattresses were comfy and we slept like logs til 8am.

now we're ready for the next day. :)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Schedule Home

Sat 9/22 Dobbins, CA to Santa Cruz, CA 342 mi.
Sun 9/23 Santa Cruz, CA to Barstow, CA 492 mi.
Mon 9/24 Barstow, CA to Winslow, AZ 504 mi.
(round trip to Grand Canyon National Park)
Tues 9/25 Winslow, AZ to Guadalupe, NM 586 mi.
(round trip to Santa Fe on the bikes)
Wed 9/26 Guadalupe, NM to Okalhoma City, OK 434 mi.
Thu 9/27 Oklahoma City, OK to Little Rock, AR 346 mi.
Fri 9/28 Little Rock, AR to Decatur, GA 584 mi.
total miles - 3288

Schedule to CA :)

thurs 9/13 Decatur, GA to Warrenton, MO 618 mi.

fri 9/14 Warrenton, MO to Goodland, KS 597 mi.
Warrenton, MO to Stratton, CO 647 mi.

sat 9/15 Goodland, KS to Vernal, UT 525 mi.
Stratton, CO to Vernal, UT 475 mi.

sun 9/16 Vernal, UT to Winnemucca, NV 525 mi.

mon 9/17 Winnemucca, NV to Dobbins, CA 280 mi.

total miles: 2545

the route out.... best laid plans?

we can't wait to get going and have been planning the routes for the last couple of weekends. who knew it could get so involved. timing everything... miles to go with days to get there, time zones, where to stay, and is there anywhere to stay when we need to stop, etc.....
we decided to camp out of the back of the truck, well, sleep there, and have found flying j truck stops and campgrounds along the way at convenient stopping points. they all have wireless internet, too, so we can update the blog along the way with our stories and pictures.
we're taking a northern route; GA-TN-KY-IL then we'll hook up with I-70 in St. Louis and stay on that thru MO, KS and CO. nothing too exciting til we get here and veer off the highway just after Denver. state hwy 40 is what'll take us over The Rocky Mountains and into Steamboat Springs and then out of CO and into UT where we'll camp at the Dinosaurland KOA. it's about 30 mi over the state line near the Dinosaur National Monument.
the next morning we'll catch I-80 in Salt Lake City and right into NV. we'll probably pull into the Flying J in Winnemucca for the night. Too bad the Blue Moon Lodge isn't open.
(wink, wink - Tales of the City reference to a house of ill repute) it doesn't really exist but it is quite a fun thought.
anyway, if we feel really strong, we may just go another 50 mi to the Rye Patch Dam. there's a state park with camping there. we'll see.
when we wake up Monday morning, we'll only have 280 mi to go, or 230 if we went to Rye Patch. after Reno comes the Donner Pass and then we pull into Lake Francis RV Resort in Dobbins, CA
Then the 2nd leg of the adventure, the real heart of the whole trip, begins. The Pony Express Ride 2007!

Sewing for the Campertop

GROOVY curtains for the truck cap!

Making a mosquito screen for the truck window.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

We finally did the Trailer test ride

we have had some timing issues as far as getting this test ride going but knew we had to do it. well, kinda spur of the moment, we did it yesterday.
boy was it stressful. it took us about an hour to get them loaded. everything looked good as we pulled out of the driveway, but only a few miles more down the road and my bike started to wobble. the tie down gloves for the grips made the handlebars fall with all the torqe on them and loosen the ropes. once we saw what needed done and we did it, it was ok. we rode on the highway some and around town some so we got the feel of both, although kari didn't really get on the highway but she'll have plenty of opportunity. :)

i've been planning routes all weekend long and will put our tentative schedule in the next post.

bye for now or bfn

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Trial Run

well, we couldn't seem to find the time to go to T.W.O. for the night to test out the trailer fully loaded so we're doing it tomorrow. depending on the weather we'll go either to a campground resort we have been to for the day to sit at the pool or we'll go to Big Dog Motorcycles to find goggles for kari. it's closer to home and would still give us a fair trial to see how everything feels.
i just got some tie downs for my bike today, so we're all set now.

things are really gearing up. we've checked out truck stops along the way and since they have wi-fi we'll be able to update the blog pretty easily. we also decided to camp out of the back of the truck. i borrowed a smaller width therma-rest mattress so we can fit 2 of them together in the bed of the truck and we'll just use our sleeping bags, stop for sleep at truck stops and grab a shower there when we feel grubby enough to pay the $9 or $15 they charge. they even give you a towel. that'll save a small fortune and we can always change our mind and grab a hotel room if we want. i love options. :)

all for now. t&k

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


well, we're thinking of taking a little overnight trip with the trailer. we'll load it with both bikes just to see how it handles so there are no suprises when we set out for california.

T.W.O. is the campground for "two wheels only" in the ga mountains and there's really good riding all around them. kari suggested this whole plan as well as the destination. i think she's brilliant!

gonna do some more fundraising this week to get us closer yet.

that's all for now. T

Sunday, July 29, 2007

7/29/07 getting ready

it's the end of july and we're gearing up for the adventure. kari and i have sent our link for online donations for the pony express ride to battle breast cancer to all our friends and family. i'll list it here too in case anyone wants to go there easily. it's we are at $1040 so far... our goal is at least $1500. i'm thinking we can go way past that with your help. :)

we bought a trailer for the bikes last tuesday. it's a 2001 model of the brand we were looking for. got a really good deal on it and it looks to be in really good shape.

nalini, a friend of ours gave me the idea for the blog so we can post all along our trip and you all can come along... so to speak.

i am going to set up a account or page so we can post some movies we take with our cameras, too.

until next time... trace